Sreten Asanović, Nomina, Plima, Ulcinj, 2011
By: Ivana Ančić
English version will be available soon.
Exhibition Sing Sing, Sarajevo City Hall, November 19 – December 4, 2011
November 19th was an important day for the Sarajevo art scene because there were to exhibition openings only two hours apart: “World Art in Sarajevo” in Hanikah, with 12 distinguished international artists from the Ars Aevi collection, and a retrospective of the work by the Sing Sing Group in the Town Hall. Both shows were organised by the Ars Aevi project, with Amila Ramović as curator, and since these are complex projects which require a lot more space for detailed elaboration, this time we will discuss the latter.
By: Anita Kojundžić
52nd October Salon | Time we met each other
October 20 – December 4, 2011, Museum of Yugoslavian History, Belgrade
By Ana Bogdanović
The October Salon is certainly one of the most important events of a scarcely populated exhhibition season for contemporary art in Belgrade and Serbia. The concept came about several years ago as an opportunity to present international artistic tendencies, whose topical limitations and selection of artwork are determined by a guest curator who is in turn delegated by the October Salon Council. The event marks a rare possibility for the domestic audience to get introduced to the latest contemporary output on the art scene, both locally and globally. Therefore, the organisers, as well as the curators, have big responsibility to carefully and professionally fulfill their obligations to the public and set up an exhibition that would allow the audience to interact, explore and contemplate the artistic interpretations of various contemporary aspects.
Written by Tihana Bertek
Being a guest is a paradoxal position: it is a “state of temporariness” in which, although invited and treated with respect, we know we do not belong to, that we are always leaving; or, “I know that where I am right now is not permanent.” At the SC Gallery (Zagreb, October 14-29), Margareta Kern’s exhibition deals with precisely this issue. Entitled GUESTisculations, it represents the newest embodiment of the artist’s multidisciplinary project GUESTS that she has been running for several years now, covering the mass work migrations from SFRY to Germany during the 60’s and 70’s.
Exhibition: Wasteland, Sandra Vitaljić, Lang Photo Gallery at the Photo Museum in Riga, October 6 – November 6, 2011
By: Anita Kojundžić
In early November, the Photo Museum in Riga closed another Wasteland exhibition by Sandra Vitaljić, which marks two years of displaying a series of her works which have evolved into more than just a regional project and is far from exhausted even after so many exhibitions. Moreover, the series is available in digital format, at
Aleksandar Jestrović Jamesdin: Beast from the East. Exhibition marking the occasion of the Culture Centre Belgrade Award at the 50th October Salon 2009, October 19 – November 9, 2011, Culture Centre Belgrade Gallery
By: Ana Bogdanović
A drum stick from an Iggy Pop concert next to a T-shirt with his picture painted in oil on sack canvas and a video made at an erotic entertainment centre, which is powered through an over capacitated extension cord under a portrait of a robot pet dog. Standing opposite, a kitchen shelf with object from mom’s pantry and a calendar for the year 2050 with paintings of her son’s artistic endeavours.
Sreten Asanović, Nomina, Plima, Ulcinj, 2011
By: Ivana Ančić
English version will be available soon.
OSMI I SEDMI PUTNIK, Aleksandar Bjelogrlić, Citadela, Agora, Zrenjanin, 201
By: Dalibor Plečić
English version will be available soon.
Stjepan Gulin, Paz’te sad, paz’te sad (Meandarmedia, Zagreb, 2011.)
Authors: Ivana Ančić
Igor Marojević, Kroz glavu (Dosije, Beograd, 2012.)
Author: Dalibor Plečić
Damir Miloš, Pisa. Povratak (Meandarmedia, Zagreb, 2011.)
Author: Morena Livaković
Esej Vladimira Bjeličića
Esej u celini možete pročitati na portalu
Esej Tihane Bertek
Od promatrača do sudionika
Esej – Bojan Krištofić
Esej o radovima Šejle Kamerić, Maje Bajević i Nebojše Šerića Shobe
Piše: Slađana Golijanin
ESEJ – Razvaline socijalizma kao inspiracija za muzejske eksponate Mrđana Bajića i skulpturalne dosetke Ivana Fijolića
By: Milena Milojević
Piše: Nino Kovačić
Gostujuća izvedba šibenskog HNK, Pir malograđana, prema tekstu mladog Bertolda Brechta (napisan 1919.) izvedena je po sljedećoj formuli: na Danima satire u satiričkom kazalištu Kerempuh gledamo satiričan komad. Prema reakcijama publike, bila je uspješna, ali teško se oteti dojmu da je smijeh bio formulaično zagarantiran, jer bi takav instruirani moment humora trebao zauzdati spontani smijeh. Je li se možda radilo o “malograđanskom” humoru?
Glumice i to, KNAP, Zagreb, premijera 12.5.2012.
Piše: Nino Kovačić
Glumice i to, nova predstava u zagrebačkom KNAP-u, neobičan su kazališni ‘slučaj’. Naime, predstavu su, dramaturški i režijski osmislile te, naravno, glumački ostvarile četiri mlade glumice. U trenutačnoj opće-društvenoj, pa tako i kazališnoj situaciji, kojom prijete olovni pojmovi poput recesije, prekarijata i outsourcinga (nedavno su najavljena i otpuštanja “hladnopogonskih” glumaca), one su, kako piše u najavi “nezaposlene i pune entuzijazma, odlučile su preuzeti stvar u svoje ruke i napraviti hit!”. Očito sklone postdramskom pristupu izvedbi koji se, između ostalog, bazira na ekipnoj work-in-progress metodi, izvedbenoj anti-iluziji i autoreferencijalnosti, glumice/autorice su se “trgnule” i napravile parodiju o tome kako rade predstavu, po ironičnom ključu: kad ne ide pravljenje predstave treba napraviti predstavu o tome kako se ne može raditi predstava.
“Nije život biciklo”, Biljana Srbljanović, režija: Anselm Veber, Produkcija: Šaušpilhaus Bohum, Nemačka; Sterijino pozorje 2012, selekcija Nacionalne drame i pozorišta
By: Tamara Baračkov
English version will be available soon.
„Grebanje, ili kako se ubila moja baka“, Tanja Šljivar, režija: Selma Spahić, Bosansko narodno pozorište Zenica/Bitef teatar-Hartefakt (Beograd), premijera: 7. septembar 2012. (Zenica), 11. oktobar 2012. (Beograd)
By: Tamara Baračkov
English version will be available soon.
„Sluga dvaju gospodara“, Karlo Goldoni, režija: Boris Liješević, Grad teatar Budva/Srpsko narodno pozorište Novi Sad/Narodno pozorište „Toša Jovanović“ Zrenjanin, premijera: 27. jul 2012.
By: Tamara Baračkov
English version will be available soon.