Sreten Asanović, Nomina, Plima, Ulcinj, 2011
By: Ivana Ančić
English version will be available soon.
Male-Female / Women’s-Men’s, directed by: Katarina Pejović, Boris Bakal, produced by: Bacači sjenki & Teatar &TD, Zagreb
By: Vanja Nikolić
When a play creates a gender based separation so that the audience are only men or only women, such separation is bound to continue when afterwards commenting the play at a bar or when writing its review. It is impossible to write a review on something you were not able to see. Hence, this text, as well as the one half of the Bacači sjenki’s play, is intended only for women. If you are a man, look for the man’s opinion.
Workers Die Singing, directed by: Anđelka Nikolić, produced by: Hartefakt & The Bitef Theater
By: Nikola Skočajić
Olga Dimitirjević’s play Workers Die Singing, was awarded for its socially engaged text by the Hartefakt Fund Competition 2010. When the play was published, its downside was that, although it did not idealise the working class, it did not treat the transition as a problem, i.e. that it was too didactic in its presentation. Workers in an unnamed factory, in an unnamed place put up with the consequences of privatisation and are forced to go on strike that will soon become a radical one. Since they will soon start chopping off their fingers, it is clear which country is to blame. They do not start a hunger strike for better work conditions, but for the basic work conditions. more >
Svetislav Basara: Mein Kampf (Laguna, Belgrade, 2011)
By: Ivan Telebar
Fascism has taken over the world. At least according to Kramberger, the storyteller and the main character of Basara’s latest novel Mein Kampf, which unreservedly criticizes and condemns modern variations of Fascism in Serbia, although “elements of Fascism can be found in every nation.” He holds the entire Serbian political system at gunpoint, whose different sides all unite under the common prefix after the fall of the former regime. There is no change, another totalitarian system comes under the guise of democracy instead, and the people does not recognize the deceit of “multi-party dictatorship.” Serbian nation is simultaneously the executioner and the victim because “the historical meaning of Serbian national doctrine and the Serbian state constitute genocide of Serbian people.” This intra-Serbian Fascism coincides with a caste system gone topsy-turvy, where shudras turn to brahmans, and pariahs are still untouchable, but in a completely different way. That is the modern social and political reality in Serbia, criticized by the author himself through the voice of Kramberger. more >
Drugi Art Modul u sklopu edukacijskog projekta Criticize This! započet će trodnevnim programom u Zagrebu, a održat će se od 16. do 18. februara. U dijelu programa otvorenom za javnost sudjeluju novinar i pisac Mark Terkessidis, glavni urednik magazinaEurozine Carl Henrik Fredriksson te kustosica i kritičarka Maja Ćirić. Osim predavanja, gosti modula će sudjelovati i u javnom razgovoru naslovljenom Prijateljska vatra. Kako kritika socijalizira kojeg će moderirati Petar Milat, a održat će se zadnjeg dana programa. Program će se održavati u prostoru net.kulturnog kluba mama (Preradovićeva 18) i književnog kluba Booksa (Martićeva 14d). more >
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Sreten Asanović, Nomina, Plima, Ulcinj, 2011
By: Ivana Ančić
English version will be available soon.
OSMI I SEDMI PUTNIK, Aleksandar Bjelogrlić, Citadela, Agora, Zrenjanin, 201
By: Dalibor Plečić
English version will be available soon.
Stjepan Gulin, Paz’te sad, paz’te sad (Meandarmedia, Zagreb, 2011.)
Authors: Ivana Ančić
Igor Marojević, Kroz glavu (Dosije, Beograd, 2012.)
Author: Dalibor Plečić
Damir Miloš, Pisa. Povratak (Meandarmedia, Zagreb, 2011.)
Author: Morena Livaković
Esej Vladimira Bjeličića
Esej u celini možete pročitati na portalu
Esej Tihane Bertek
Od promatrača do sudionika
Esej – Bojan Krištofić
Esej o radovima Šejle Kamerić, Maje Bajević i Nebojše Šerića Shobe
Piše: Slađana Golijanin
ESEJ – Razvaline socijalizma kao inspiracija za muzejske eksponate Mrđana Bajića i skulpturalne dosetke Ivana Fijolića
By: Milena Milojević
Piše: Nino Kovačić
Gostujuća izvedba šibenskog HNK, Pir malograđana, prema tekstu mladog Bertolda Brechta (napisan 1919.) izvedena je po sljedećoj formuli: na Danima satire u satiričkom kazalištu Kerempuh gledamo satiričan komad. Prema reakcijama publike, bila je uspješna, ali teško se oteti dojmu da je smijeh bio formulaično zagarantiran, jer bi takav instruirani moment humora trebao zauzdati spontani smijeh. Je li se možda radilo o “malograđanskom” humoru?
Glumice i to, KNAP, Zagreb, premijera 12.5.2012.
Piše: Nino Kovačić
Glumice i to, nova predstava u zagrebačkom KNAP-u, neobičan su kazališni ‘slučaj’. Naime, predstavu su, dramaturški i režijski osmislile te, naravno, glumački ostvarile četiri mlade glumice. U trenutačnoj opće-društvenoj, pa tako i kazališnoj situaciji, kojom prijete olovni pojmovi poput recesije, prekarijata i outsourcinga (nedavno su najavljena i otpuštanja “hladnopogonskih” glumaca), one su, kako piše u najavi “nezaposlene i pune entuzijazma, odlučile su preuzeti stvar u svoje ruke i napraviti hit!”. Očito sklone postdramskom pristupu izvedbi koji se, između ostalog, bazira na ekipnoj work-in-progress metodi, izvedbenoj anti-iluziji i autoreferencijalnosti, glumice/autorice su se “trgnule” i napravile parodiju o tome kako rade predstavu, po ironičnom ključu: kad ne ide pravljenje predstave treba napraviti predstavu o tome kako se ne može raditi predstava.
“Nije život biciklo”, Biljana Srbljanović, režija: Anselm Veber, Produkcija: Šaušpilhaus Bohum, Nemačka; Sterijino pozorje 2012, selekcija Nacionalne drame i pozorišta
By: Tamara Baračkov
English version will be available soon.
„Grebanje, ili kako se ubila moja baka“, Tanja Šljivar, režija: Selma Spahić, Bosansko narodno pozorište Zenica/Bitef teatar-Hartefakt (Beograd), premijera: 7. septembar 2012. (Zenica), 11. oktobar 2012. (Beograd)
By: Tamara Baračkov
English version will be available soon.
„Sluga dvaju gospodara“, Karlo Goldoni, režija: Boris Liješević, Grad teatar Budva/Srpsko narodno pozorište Novi Sad/Narodno pozorište „Toša Jovanović“ Zrenjanin, premijera: 27. jul 2012.
By: Tamara Baračkov
English version will be available soon.